Painting Lessons with David - Printed Books - Quick Compositions - JansenArt Store
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Quick Compositions

store-photo.jpgThere are many ways artists can hone their skills and become better. One is to work through a difficult painting. The other way is to practice the skills of the painting from creation to varnish. Over the years David and Jess have created beautiful in depth paintings and faster, smaller compositions to increase their skills. David tries to do 2 or 3 of these small compositions each day. He firmly believes that this routine has increased his painting abilities. Jess and David believe that the small compositional studies increase your knowledge and skills 10 faster than working just one large painting. Artist learn through repetition and mistakes. Repetition is how you develop your skills.

Welcome to our Quick Composition Series. In this series we will teach you how to create small fast compositions that give you all the skills necessary to complete larger more in depth work. The small compositions however allow you to paint more each day, increasing repetition and speeding up your learning curve.

Book 1 is the primer for the series. It describes in detail all the techniques that are used in all books. This book is essential for your learning. Next you will find a series of books from roses to landscapes. Each book will present 10 or more compositions for you to practice. Several genre and looks will be explored through the series. You can purchase as many in the series as desired, but you will need book one to study the techniques in depth. Welcome to a new way to hone and refine your skills. Let's get painting!