Rose on a Plinth (Download) - JansenArt Store
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Rose on a Plinth (Download)

V1067 Download

Product Description

DVD 1067 Rose on a Plinth- Paint It Simply, Alla Prima Half Tone Technique

Join David as he shows you in 3 hours how to paint this beautiful rose on a plinth composition.  This high contrast limited palette technique is a wonderful way to refine your color skills and painting techniques.  David will show you how he goes about painting this composition for the first time, because he filmed this as he developed the design and painting.  Listen as he not only shows you the technique but explains why he is adding the different elements and shows you how to self evaluate your painting.  This is the perfect educational video for those who want a look behind the scenes at how David paints a design for the first time.


Uses Paint It Simply Beginning Set

Naphthol Red Light

Hansa Yellow

Carbon Black

Titanium White

Phthalo Blue

Red Violet



GAB13- 3/4" Watercolor Flat

GAB38- #6 Fusion Flat or #6 Fusion Filbert





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